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What’s NEW at the New Farm!

America’s Grow-a-Row is Getting a New Home…

We literally bought a farm in 2010!  After several months of working with some very, very generous benefactors as well as securing the winning bid at a local NJ farm auction, AGAR is now the proud owner of a spectacular 138 acre farm, with 130 acres on the property which can be farmed.  Imagine the possibilities and the amount of produce that can be grown and delivered to those desperately in need all across NJ with this enormous opportunity.  Conveniently located in Alexandria Township, NJ, just about 10 minutes from our official headquarters at Peaceful Valley Orchards, our new property will allow for us to expand our program well into the future.  That’s the good news.

The challenge for us is that the farm did not come with any fence, buildings or infrastructure, so there is a huge need for us to raise funds to make the property more functional. Thanks to generous donations, we have so far installed deer fencing around the entire property, and we will soon begin to drill a well for much-needed water. We planted on approximately four acres of our new farm in 2011 and began harvesting there in July.

We are excited to report this very good news about the long-term possibilities for America’s Grow-a-Row and our neighbors in need who will benefit from this fabulous opportunity. While owning our new farm is exciting, the task of continuing to build it is daunting. If you’d like to contribute to growing our infrastructure, you can visit our donate page or talk to Jackie Etter,, 908-310-2824. Thank you for joining us in the fight against hunger.