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Artist collaborates with charitable farm to enhance social media use for fundraiser

By Community Bulletin
on March 21, 2017 at 1:58 PM

Artist and creator D Nina Cruz has always had an admiration for doors. Now in a working season of creating with wood stain as a painting medium, she is helping to open doors for others. 

She has signed on to collaborate with America’s Grow-A-Row (AGAR) to enhance social media use at this year’s Farm-to-Fork fund raiser. Event plans had been under way for several weeks when AGAR reached out to Cruz for her creative skills. As the staff shared their logistical decor plans she wondered about how social media could play a larger role in getting their worthy message out to more people, while also enhancing the event itself. She offered to create a space at the event for this very purpose. Read the full story HERE.